by Mat Janson Blanchet

Tibet - The Game

Project Description

“China claims that Tibet is a part of their country. Every so often a small band of Chinese invaders, rendered as a collection of moving black spots, will attempt to enter Tibet. If the border is present and is dark enough they will bounce off and return to China.

“However, as time passes, the border will fade and disappear. This will permit the Chinese to enter Tibet. To keep them out, click on the red spots spread out along the border and the border will darken again.

“How long can you keep them out? What's the best ratio of bounced to crossed you can achieve?

“The Tibetans are a peaceful people, and would not kill or injure the invaders. They simply wish to make them go away...”

— Description from the original project

The original concept was an idea from people at the University of Calgary to create social awareness through video gaming. The game had the player press buttons to solidify the borders so that Chinese invaders could not cross. The player had to last the longest possible.

Santo Romano—who taught Images/Sound/Dimensions at Concordia University in Montréal (CA)—approached Aaron Farmer and I to adapt this game. Our project consists of a port of the original TIBET game from Java to Flash/Actionscript. This was our final assignment for the class.

We implemented a more visually stimulating interface than the original in order to appeal to people, to create an interest. Once that is done, it's easier to stimulate social awareness and still convey the same message of peaceful resistance, and its consequences.


  • Game Design : Mat Janson Blanchet, Aaron Farmer
  • Programming: Aaron Farmer
  • Graphic Design, Animation: Mat Janson Blanchet


Design, Development


While studying Computation Arts at Concordia University
