Project Description
While researching how to create a sound sculpture at the Topological Media Lab, I chose a design which would leverage electromagnetic pickups to pick up the sculpture's guitar strings. The sculpture would have guitar strings, but not placed in an array like most stringed instruments.
This meant that commercially available pickups would not do. Equally, commercially available pickup winding machines were not appropriate for creating the single-string electromagnetic pickups I designed.
As such, I fabricated a pickup winding machine so that I could spool the Brutalist Pickups.
Wood, Arduino, motor, electronic components
- Michael Montanaro, Garnet Willis @ Topological Media Lab
- Theo Chauvirey, Francis Goodship, Jules B.D., and Breanna Shanahan @ Concordia DigiFab Lab
- Brian Cooper @ Concordia Metal Shop
- Chris Latchem @ Concordia Maquette Shop
- Mathieu Laporte @ ÉchoFab
Research, design, fabrication, electronics, programming
While conducting research-creation at the Topological Media Lab
Project Link